
Why We Blame Others

In his book Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, cognitive behavioral therapist David Burns identifies several cognitive distortions. Cognitive distortions are patterns of thinking that are false or inaccurate and have the potential to cause psychological distress. One ...

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How to Unplug From Technology

When I have boarded the train every morning and evening lately, I’ve made a habit out of looking around me and noting how many people are on a device — cell phone, tablet, laptop, Kindle, anything at all. To no surprise, almost all passengers on the train are either ...

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Parents That Don’t Accept You

The LGBTQ+ community has made unprecedented strides in gaining rights over the past years, and acceptance of the community has also increased in that time. The vast majority of young people today believe in the equal dignity of gay people. Yet this belies the fact that ...

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Everyone Wants A Break

With the holidays and the end of the year upon us, everyone wants a break. We’re tired. 2017 was a difficult, intense year for many of us personally and for Americans collectively as well. The mental health counselors at Citron Hennessey come across many people in Manhattan ...

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