
Why We Blame Others

In his book Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, cognitive behavioral therapist David Burns identifies several cognitive distortions. Cognitive distortions are patterns of thinking that are false or inaccurate and have the potential to cause psychological distress. One ...

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How to Unplug From Technology

When I have boarded the train every morning and evening lately, I’ve made a habit out of looking around me and noting how many people are on a device — cell phone, tablet, laptop, Kindle, anything at all. To no surprise, almost all passengers on the train are either ...

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Satisfying Your Needs

Every Valentine’s Day, we’re flooded with images of seemingly happy couples. For those of you who are single, or just don’t have a satisfying relationship of any kind whether that means a relationship with a friend, lover, family member, colleague, or even a pet, ...

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Getting Along With My Parents

Over the last month or so, a number of my clients have discussed the challenges of navigating a relationship with their parents with me. I suspect that the recent holiday season and current political climate have a little something to do with these relational struggles ...

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How to Sync Your Relationship Pace

For my next few blog posts, I will be doing a series about relationships and time, based on Peter Fraenkel’s book Sync Your Relationship, Save Your Marriage: Four Steps to Getting Back on Track. If you would like to learn more about marriage or relationship speed, marriage, ...

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Resolve To Make It Count

The New Year is right around the corner, connoting renewal and resolutions to make positive changes. Why is it that we wait for the first of the year to reflect upon and intentionally make changes in our lives? What are we doing during the other eleven months? Many individuals ...

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Coping With Flaky Friends

“Sorry, can’t make it today. Let’s plan something soon.” How many times have you received this text or one of its variations from flaky friends canceling plans once again? We all have flaky friends (or have sometimes been that friend) who cancel plans more often ...

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Wavelengths Of Communication

Your head is an intricate radio station. Think of your ears as a pair of sophisticated antennas and your mouth as a transmitter. When engaged, they exchange signals with the world around you. They were specially designed to receive and send messages to and from other ...

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