
No one has ever gotten in trouble for simply feeling anger. It is how anger is dealt with that can cause problems.


Anger management is a skill like any other, and it can be learned.

Anger in and of itself need not be a problem. Like all emotions, it has its purpose. In fact, it can be a powerful motivating force for action. Moreover, if managed correctly, the expression of anger can even benefit and strengthen relationships.

However, anger can also get out of control easily and become destructive. If you’re having a hard time letting go of things or expressing displeasure, you may experience trouble at work or with your relationships. Intense, long-lasting bouts of anger could even lead to risky and self-destructive behavior such as violence against others, excessive drinking and drug use, and other actions that can result in serious physical harm and even legal problems. New York is a high-stress environment for many, and this only serves to exacerbate anger problems. 

Like poorly managed stress, anger can also be damaging to your physical health. There are many studies linking anger to physical health problems. One study found that people who tend to get angry easily have twice the risk of developing coronary artery disease in comparison to the ones who don’t. Another study found that angry people are prone to have a hampered immune system due to a significant reduction in the levels of the antibody Immunoglobulin A. You may not be aware of it, but anger could be the reason you are experiencing poor physical wellbeing lately. If you relate to this or any of the above situations, it may be time to seek an anger management therapist.

Contact us today to start anger management in NYC.

Anger Management Strategies

Before joining an NYC anger management class, there are some strategies you can try by yourself to prevent anger episodes or reduce the intensity and duration when they do occur.

  1. Think Before You Speak
    Take a few moments to collect your thoughts, listen carefully to what the other person is saying, and calm yourself. Once you’re calm and thinking clearly, express your frustration clearly and directly without being confrontational.
  2. Practice Relaxation
    Anger involves a high level of nervous system arousal. By relaxing your body, you make it easier to let go of anger and apply problem-solving to the situation. Breathing techniques are some of the easiest and most effective, which is why they are taught in many anger management programs in NYC.
  3. Use Better Communication Techniques
    Choosing the right words to respond with is key. In addition, using “I” statements is also more effective as they avoid criticizing or placing blame on the other person, which can make them defensive. Using “I” statements also allows you to be direct in requesting what you want.
  4. Take a Timeout
    Schedule “quiet time” during times of the day that tend to be stressful to get away from it all. This will make you calmer in general and help you feel better prepared to handle what’s ahead without getting irritated or angry.
  5. Use Humor to Release Tension
    Diffuse tension by finding humor in the situation. Lightening up can help you face what’s making you angry and remind you not to take yourself or the situation too seriously.
  6. Take Care of Your Body
    Adequate sleep, regular physical activity, and healthy eating are all important to mental health. Each makes a big difference in the way you respond to situations. For example, poor sleep can lead to irritability and a short fuse, while exercise is a powerful stress reliever.
  7. Avoid Situations That Make You Angry
    While running away from a situation is not a good solution most of the time, there are certain situations or environments that should be stepped away from until you feel calm enough to handle them. If these situations involve another person, communicate what you are doing with them.

While these common strategies can help improve your day-to-day and can certainly serve you well in the short term, it’s important to enroll in anger management in NYC to address the root cause of your anger.

What are the Different Types of Anger Management Therapy NYC Options?

There are different scientifically-supported approaches to anger management practiced by anger management therapy NYC clinicians. Our team of professional therapists use their experience and expertise to help individuals understand and cope with their feelings, developing a long-term plan for overcoming their issues with anger. 

But what are some of the most effective forms of anger management counseling?

This is one of the most common types of anger therapy. Its purpose is to help an angry person recognize the negative thoughts behind their flare-ups. Patients will work with their anger management therapist in NYC to learn how to manage stressful life circumstances, usually by focusing on specific problems and personal triggers. 

CBT is also one of the most researched methods and may offer quicker results than other approaches. On top of positively resolving conflicts, patients learn to cope better with difficult life situations and mentally handle emotional stress.

Contrary to popular opinion, suppression of anger can be harmful. Unexpressed rage can cause a person to become depressed or anxious. The best way to deal with anger is by assertive communication and problem-solving. However, it can be hard to remember to do this when we are angry. 

During therapy for anger management, people learn helpful skills and coping methods that allow them to process their emotions in a healthy way. Anger skills training focuses on developing these skills and enabling you to implement them when you need them.

Keeping calm in high-stress situations is a skill that we develop through practice. We can learn to bring ourselves to a state of relaxation quickly when we are angry. Working with a specialist or joining an anger management group in NYC can help you find the best relaxation technique for you that will allow you to regularly recharge and be able to relax in anger situations.

Cognitive restructuring addresses irrational beliefs, such as how things should have occurred, as the cause of intense emotional responses. 

Our anger management classes in NYC will challenge these beliefs to help you think differently about others, the situations, and even yourself.

If you’re ready to change the way you approach the world, it’s time to start anger management in New York City. Our team of therapists are versed in the latest treatments and provide effective counseling for anger management. Book your appointment today.

How Do I Find an Anger Management Therapist in NYC?

Anger management New York services are similar to those found elsewhere. However, if you live here it is beneficial to find a therapist who understands the idiosyncrasies of New York life.

A good anger management therapist should have trained in the scientifically supported treatments for anger. Speak to the health professionals directly, and ask questions about their qualifications, methods, and expected results.

As mentioned before, they should also be willing to explain different anger management therapy techniques to you and answer your questions. For effective treatment, you should work with a therapist who is well-versed in the science behind anger management.