Why We Blame Others
In his book Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, cognitive behavioral therapist David Burns identifies several cognitive distortions. Cognitive distortions are patterns of thinking that are false or inaccurate and have the potential to cause psychological distress. One ...
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How to Unplug From Technology
When I have boarded the train every morning and evening lately, I’ve made a habit out of looking around me and noting how many people are on a device — cell phone, tablet, laptop, Kindle, anything at all. To no surprise, almost all passengers on the train are either ...
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Satisfying Your Needs
Every Valentine’s Day, we’re flooded with images of seemingly happy couples. For those of you who are single, or just don’t have a satisfying relationship of any kind whether that means a relationship with a friend, lover, family member, colleague, or even a pet, ...
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Getting Along With My Parents
Over the last month or so, a number of my clients have discussed the challenges of navigating a relationship with their parents with me. I suspect that the recent holiday season and current political climate have a little something to do with these relational struggles ...
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Coping With Flaky Friends
“Sorry, can’t make it today. Let’s plan something soon.” How many times have you received this text or one of its variations from flaky friends canceling plans once again? We all have flaky friends (or have sometimes been that friend) who cancel plans more often ...
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Quick Fixes
I have a pretty large sweet tooth. Cheesecake, oatmeal raisin cookies, lemon bars, speculoos cookie butter, anything with butter and sugar has my name written all over it. These baked treats serve as a pick me up after a busy and stressful day. Eating these sugary foods ...
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On Procrastination
At the end of a long week, I review my to-do lists of each day in my planner. Some days, I am relieved during this process, seeing that I have completed all of my daily tasks for the week and that I can finally relax. Other times, however, I look at my lists in dread ...
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Self-Esteem In The Face Of Rejection
Many people come to therapy seeking to develop a high self-esteem. Time and time again, I meet with people who, after some form of rejection – a break up, negative feedback at work, someone ghosting on one of several online dating platforms – experience a shift in ...
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Avoiding Conversations
When I was a kid, whenever I wanted to confess to my mother that I had done something wrong or if I wanted to ask for her permission to do something, I would often feel paralyzed. I’d repeatedly rehearse what I wanted to say and I would imagine the words building up ...
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MTA Delays & Your Mental Health
“Due to a signal malfunction, we are experiencing extensive delays in F train service. We apologize for any inconvenience.” Who would have thought that this one announcement would lead to an eruption of several different reactions across the train car? Some people ...
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