
Senior Therapist

Words cannot express how much Ally has helped me.

An exceptional therapist, and I feel incredibly fortunate to have found her.

I couldn't be happier with the progress we've made. Her professionalism is outstanding.

Alessandra received her honors degree in Cognitive Science with a minor in Psychology from McGill University and has a Master’s Degree in Counseling for Mental Health & Wellness from New York University. Through her previous experience at Humber River Hospital (Toronto, Canada) in the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Program, as well as being trained as an active listener at the telephone listening service, Tel-Aide, Alessandra has developed experience in understanding individuals needs and caring for others. Through these experiences Alessandra has experienced how therapy not only has the influence to change the way individuals live their lives, but also give their lives meaning.

Alessandra’s ambition is to provide clients with the support they need. In creating a non-judgmental and open environment, she strives to form a strong therapeutic relationship with her clients where they feel heard and validated. The trust and support formed between her and her clients is at the forefront of her work, as it helps foster mutual appreciation and respect for the process of therapy and for one another. While focusing mainly on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Rational Behavioral Therapy (REBT) techniques, Alessandra understands the importance of using an integrative approach to her psychotherapy that is tailored to the needs of her clients. To this end, Alessandra’s goal is to provide her clients with a safe place for self-exploration, growth, and development, so they can lead healthier and happier lives.

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